marți, 26 iulie 2011

Scarf Tying Guide 1♥

Eternally fashionable, scarves make the most versatile accessory for women. The available variety of fabrics, shapes and sizes make the scarf ideal for all seasons and occasions.

Tying scarves is simpler than it seems, and various attractive scarf tying techniques are rather easy to learn. As a service to our customers, we have designed this step-by-step scarf tying guide, providing the most common and popular styles when wearing a scarf.

TexereSilk's hand painted silk scarves offer the perfect way to add a touch of elegance and charm to your attire – formal or informal. Our hand painted silk scarves also represent and preserve the dwindling art form of hand painting on silk fabric.

We thank you for your interest in our products, and the unique cultural heritage they promote.

Basic Folds

Folding a Square Scarf into an Oblong Shape

A lot of scarf tying styles use square scarves, though, in order to tie the square scarf into some highly attractive styles, there is often a need to fold one into an oblong shape as a starting point.

We are presenting three basic ways to fold a square scarf: straight fold (also called oblong fold), triangle fold, and bias band fold. Some other folding variations, such as the accordion fold etc. etc., are also commonly known.

Bias Band Fold Straight Fold Triangle Fold

Bias Band Fold
Step 1
Place the square scarf on a flat surface with the wrong side up

Step 2

Fold the scarf the way it is shown here.

Step 3

Fold the other side as well so that we get the shape shown.

Step 4

Continue to fold ends toward center for the desired width.

Step 5

The final shape should be as in the illustration.

Straight Fold
Step 1
Place the square scarf on a flat surface with the wrong side up.

Step 2

Start folding the scarf from one side and then the other.

Step 3

Bring the side that you are rolling towards the other.

Step 4
Completely roll the scarf to the desired width.

Step 5

It should look like the folded scarf in the illustration.

Triangle Fold
Step 1

Place the square scarf on a flat surface with the wrong side up, and pointing towards you.

Step 2

Fold the scarf in the shape of a triangle. The triangle is ready.

Step 3

In order to make an oblong shape, go to the next step.

Step 4

Now start folding the scarf from the pointed end, rolling it towards the other end.

Step 5

When folded completely, it should appear as shown in this illustration.


Tying scarves is simpler than it seems, and various attractive scarf tying techniques are rather easy to learn. What seems complex on the surface is often really quite simple to execute when the step by step instructions in this book are followed.

We invite you to try these techniques at varied occasions to express your personality and individual style!

Ascot Knot

Step 1
Use square scarf folded into straight fold or bias band fold.

Step 2
Let the scarf hang around your neck equally on each shoulder.

Step 3
Take one end (A) and bring it towards the other (B).

Step 4
Let A pass under B.

Step 5
Bring A upwards to make a knot as illustrated.

Step 6
Adjust both the ends equally facing downwards.

Twice Around Ascot Knot

Step 1
Let the scarf hang around your neck with one end hanging longer than the other.

Step 2
Pull the longer end (A) up and around your neck and then bring it back to the front.

Step 3
Loop A through B to form a knot

Step 4
Adjust both sides facing forward as shown in the illustration.

Bandana Wrap

Fold a square scarf into the shape of a triangle.

Take the broader end (A) and start rolling it towards the narrower end (B).

Roll A half way through the scarf.

Take the scarf and hang it over your shoulders as shown in the illustration.

Tie a simple knot to complete the look.

Bow Tie

A square scarf with a bias-band fold, or a folded oblong scarf, may be used for this knot.

Place the scarf around your neck, situating it so that end (A) is about two inches longer than end (B).

Cross A over B. Bring A up and under the loop. Now double B over itself to form the front base loop of the bow tie.

Loop A over the center of the loop you just formed.

Holding everything in place, double A back on itself and poke it through the loop behind the bow tie.

Adjust the bow tie by tugging at the ends of it and straightening the center knot.

Buckaroo Knot

Begin with a folded oblong or a bias-band folded square scarf. Drape the scarf around your neck, then grasp opposite ends of the scarf, one in each hand.

Wrap the scarf once around one or two fingers of your left hand, from over front to back and back over the fingers with the end hanging down and loose.

The right scarf end wraps around the front of the left from front to back being sure to go under the loose left end.

The right scarf end then comes forward around from the back, and loops over the loose left end, and through the loop made by the fingers of your left hand, from right to left.

Tighten the square, and there it is – the 4-square buckaroo knot.

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