marți, 26 iulie 2011

In a few words you will learn the history and some of the secrets of the wonder golden tube with red lipstick…. A color so sexy and so controversial. We hope that we can convince you to wear it, and feel sexy, because you deserve it!


Cleopatra - make-up iconCleopatra was the first one who invented a color cream for lips. This was done by mixing Vaseline and crushed red rose petals. Passionate lip colors were considered a sign of passion and power even then. In 1770 in England, Parliament enacted a law which made the red lipstick to become history … women who wore red lipstick were considered witches. However, with years passing by, especially moving on U.S. continent, where it seems that everything is possible, and women began to wear their lip color more powerful. Developing film industry in Hollywood made the lipstick red, a true must-have among the actresses who knew very well that everything you emphasize is welcomed!

First, in 1871 Guerlain creates the first red lipstick, and in 1927 they invented the first blister with rotating mechanism. Chanel launched in 1970’s the first glowing pigments lipstick. And in the year of 2000 Lancôme launched a revolutionary lipstick “rouge absolu crème,” with hydrating powers and gel texture.

How it’s made?

Marilyn Monroe - fashion and make-up iconPigments are used in a variety of colors, from red to brown. Titanium oxide is added for brightness and fat acids to stop it from melting. A nude color lipstick contains more essential oils and less pigment. Used oils, which often give a certain smell to the lipstick, are: castor-oil, lanolin, cocoa butter, olive oil or mineral oil, and small, fine particles, are obtained by adding silica dust. The product is obtained from a model that is poured in a special wax, oils, and pigments and it is left in special rooms for getting cold!

Do not forget, not for a moment, that sex-symbol Marilyn Monroe was the ambassador of this red lipstick! And if you want to get that sexy, passionate look, just try it! You should know two more things! It is recommended that you have great white teeth, because red lipstick shows off all the imperfections unfortunately, and it is a product mostly recommended to be worn at night!

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