miercuri, 27 iulie 2011

Top 10 Celebrity Smiles

5,000 female celebrity white teeth smiles reviewed. Only 10 chosen

1st Place
Jessica Alba

Jessica Alba’s smile shows closest to the golden proportions and gleams pearly white! It looks great at just about any angle! Just take a look at the pictures!

2nd Place
Bridget Moynahan

Her smile works beautifully with her facial features: high cheekbones, deep brown eyes, and subtle sultriness. Her front centrals only show slight wear.

3rd Place
Gisele Bundchen

Do you see that smile? That’s because according to Forbes Celebrity 100, she is the highest paid model in the whole wide world. And we still love your smile!

4th Place
Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett Johansson’s smile just oozes red carpet glamour. Notice how her plump lips frame the smile beautifully. This is an important feature in a female smile.

5th Place
Rebecca Gayheart

Even though Rebecca has one lateral incisor longer than a central incisor, her smile is beautiful. Note that a smile does not have to be perfectly symmetrical - nature is not perfect.

6th Place
Kate Beckinsale

A wonderful warm smile. But what we want to know is, how is it possible that she can smoke like a chimney and still manage to have teeth as white as snow? Oh wait… teeth whitening! Duh!

7th Place
Katherine Heigl

Katherine’s smile is unique in that her 2 front lateral incisors flare forward. It has bags of personality! It is similar to Kirsten Dunst’s… smile.

8th Place
Jennifer Garner

We’re fans of this one… an attractive smile for an attractive lady.

9th Place
Julia Roberts

It looks like the wine and coffee have finally gotten to Julia’s smile. Her times are over in reaching the top ranks of smile ubiquity. We’re still giving her a spot though - it’s beautiful nonetheless.

10th Place
Julia Roberts

Megan has transformed into celebrity stardom with her beautiful looks, but look at that smile! We love her small laterals; it’s a very feminine look. Her gumline is slightly misshaped.


Acne Skin Care Treatments

Acne is considered by many physicians to be a disorder of the sebaceous glands (oil glands) that may result in clogged pores, inflammations and cystic acne. Acne is most commonly found on the face, although it can occur on the neck, shoulders, back, buttocks and chest. Sixty million Americans have active acne in the United States alone, including 20 percent of all adults. Regardless of which age group it affects, acne still gives us the same insecure feelings.

Acne skin care treatments may include oral medications, topical formulations, changes in diet to level hormones and more. The treatment regimen depends entirely upon the cause. Please discuss these causes and treatment options with your physician to determine which course of action will suit your individual needs.


Typical Complaints of the Breast Area Skin Condition and Appearance

So what is it that we want out of our décolletage? We want flawless, healthy, glowing skin, right? We want firm, elastic and youthful tissue at any age. So how can all that be attained? Through anti-aging skin care!

Let's look at the most common complaints in order from easiest to most difficult to remedy:

  • dull, lifeless skin

  • rough patches

  • freckles, hyperpigmentation and general discolorations (sun damage)

  • wrinkles

  • moles and birthmarks

  • thin, crepey skin

  • that tattoo you should never have gotten.

    OK, I Know What I Want To Change – What Do I Do Now?

    Let's start with the easiest: dull, flaky, or scaly skin. You can sometimes remedy this just by exfoliating the skin. I wouldn't lie to you, it's true! From simple manual scrubs made from sugar and baby oil to chemical-induced exfoliation, skin treatments are by far the easiest way to rejuvenate the skin. You may not notice too much of a difference at first, but you will.

    Exfoliation may include manual remedies such as various prepared scrubs, loofah pads, exfoliating mitts or washcloths and even salt or sugar rubs. Chemically-induced exfoliation, also known as a chemical peel, can improve the appearance of your skin in a matter of days as compared to several months with gentler methods.

    Proper skin care, including exfoliation in conjunction with using a good moisturizer by night and a good sunscreen by day, will significantly improve the appearance of your décolletage. If your skin is dry you may need internal moisture replenishment, so drink 8-10 glasses of water each day. Taking oral vitamin E supplements can significantly help with dry skin, although check with your general practitioner first, and never take vitamin E before or directly after a surgical procedure unless your surgeon instructs you to do so.


Breast and Décolletage Skin Care and Rejuvenation

No matter how perky your breasts, how wrinkle-free your face and neck or fit your body, a sun damaged or wrinkled décolletage can betray your age faster than you can say cleavage! There are anti-aging skin care measures, including at-home treatments that you can take to lessen or eradicate the dreaded signs of aging.

But first, let's learn more about skin in general.

Learning About The Skin

Skin (or the cutaneous membrane), is the largest organ of the human body by surface area. Along with its accessory structures (hair, nails and exocrine glands), skin makes up what is known as the integumentary system (the external covering of the body).

Comprising three main layers (epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue) and several sublayers, the skin's most important role is to guard underlying muscles and organs from pathogens, or infectious organisms. Its other main functions include insulation, temperature regulation, sensation and the synthesis of vitamin D.

Skin pigmentation, or color, varies among different populations, and skin type ranges from dry to oily. Severely damaged skin will try to heal itself by forming scar tissue, often giving rise to discoloration and depigmentation of the skin.

Our skin is constantly replenishing itself. In our younger days, the turnover rate was about every 15 to 18 days. As we approach our mid-thirties, the process slows down to about every 28 days. Our skin also becomes thinner and more easily damaged as we age. Elasticity usually declines, and the skin receives less blood flow and lower gland activity.

The uppermost living layer of skin, the epidermis, is where we shed our skin cells, which rise and become the stratum corneum (or "horny layer"), and reveal the newer cells that are produced in the lowest sublayer, the stratum germinativum (or basal layer).

Any product available in stores affects only the epidermal layer. The next level down is the dermis, which contains oil glands, nerves, capillaries, melanin (the cells responsible for your coloring) and sweat glands that moderate your body's temperature. The dermis also contains natural collagen and elastin in addition to fat and water storage.

Collagen and elastin give our skin that springiness that we equate with youthful vitality. The normal drop in collagen and elastin, combined with lessened sebum (oil) production and slower cell turnover rate as we age, explains why our skin appears wrinkled and drier than when in our youth.

Then there is the basal layer, where skin cells are produced. This is where it all starts and where the magical renewal process can enable our bodies to produce newer, healthier and unblemished skin.


Truly controversial, Rihanna is one of the celebrities which constantly reinvents her hairstyle, achieving a different look every single time. It seems this makes people even more curious about what she is going for next as all of her choices so far have been astonishing. From the fabulous inverted bob to her newest asymmetrical short crop Rihanna poses one of the vastest and most fabulous hairstyles and hair color ideas to inspire yourself from.

Rihanna bowl cutRihanna red hair

Taylor Swift

This American sweetheart doesn't only enchant people with her voice and music but her looks as well. Taylor Swift's hairstyle looks amazing and her fabulous hair waves create a certain elegance and innocence that would make every woman stand out. Wavy hairstyles have made a huge comeback as they give a little bit of an extra twist to the hair, allowing you to look fabulous for every occasion from casual to formal. This type of hairstyle is perfect for women with naturally wavy hair and there are a variety of ways to enhance and style the waves to your advantage. Wavy equals fabulous and Taylor managed to demonstrate this every single time.

Taylor SwiftTaylor Swift updo


When it comes to long thick hair, Beyonce's hairstyles are definitely the best source of inspiration as her hair always looks amazing. Whether long curly or long straight, Beyonce's tresses look outstanding due to the hairs health, cut and hair color. Brown seems to be Beyonce's favorite shade as it helps enhance her facial feature and fabulous skin tone. The soft layers incorporated into her haircut help Beyonce be versatile with her hair, switching from sleek straight to curly without loosing any of the hairs fabulousness. Definitely a style that enhances femininity so Beyonce's hair is a great source of inspiration.