marți, 26 iulie 2011

Eye make-up depending on eye shape

Eyes are perhaps the most interesting part of our face. Their beauty comes not so much in their form as in their expressiveness. We like and want to highlight them and can not do better it anyway than with make-up. Before creating an eye make-up, take a look to: the eye color, hair color, clothes and eye shape! We will present few basic principles, for the most common eye forms, and we advise you to take them into account when realizing a make-up.

  • eye shape make-upAlmond-shaped eyes are considered ideal, are beautiful by nature and may be make-up in any way, the effect is always a sensual look;
  • Round eyes should be emphasized by using dark shades of make-up. The first step is shaping with black eyeliner or eye shadow, the upper and lower eyelash line, following the natural line of the eye, drawing an elongated line. Everything is complete with mascara that should be more abundant on the eyelashes of the outside corner (also, if you opt for false eyelashes, you should apply also on the outside corner);
  • “Dropped” eyes, should be make-up in the following way: use dark make-up color in the external corner, also, use mascara only on the external eyelashes, and highlight the inner corner with a beige tone or a silver paint.
  • Near (one to close to the other) eyes – Use lighter shades of eye shadow in the inner corner, near the nose and darker make-up on the other side;blue eyes make-up
  • Eyes with big distances between – make-up shades are used in the exact opposite way, as mentioned above.
  • Widened eyes – first you have to constantly use the cream for eyelids; use concealar to lighten the make-up color. It is recommended not to abuse contour and the use of brown mascara.

I hope these few tips will help you. The other advice I have for you is to see a make-up artist at least once, take all the necessary advice and use them afterwards.

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