luni, 25 iulie 2011

Weird Fashion

Weird fashion is in the eye of the photographer

From January 16th to May 3, 2009, fashion lovers will have the chance to view some of the most inspiring, innovative and amazing fashion photography influenced by today’s society. If you do happen to check out the exhibition, don’t be surprised if you think its a little “weird”. It’s actually entitled “Weird Beauty: Fashion Photography Now”.

The new exhibit will feature digital media influences as well as youth culture by way of magazine covers, tear sheets and fashion publications. Many photographers like Karl Lagerfeld and Peter Lindbergh will be showcasing their work. Images, like the striking image above, is enough to get us interested; but more importantly, sounds like plenty of inspiration to get out of a fashion rut.

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This way you’ll always be in the spot light.
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A dress with a bird in a cage…

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