vineri, 5 august 2011

SKIN ►►►►

Hyperpigmentations (freckles, age spots, etc.)

Hyperpigmentations can be caused by acne, scratches or other injuries, sun damage and other factors. Skin treatment options include Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) such as the PhotoDerm, FotoFacial or PhotoFacial machines, chemical peels and laser resurfacing. At-home chemically-induced exfoliation regimens like Retin A, Retin A Micro and Renova with the use of Hydroquinone or Kojic acid can effectively reduce the signs of sun damage and other pigmentation irregularities.

Vascular Lesions (broken blood vessels, cherry angiomas)

Vascular lesions like broken capillaries, telangiectasias (dilated blood vessels in the outer layer of the skin), hemangiomas (sacs of red, purple or blue blood vessels resembling a blister, aka strawberry hemangiomas), cherry angiomas (red dots), port wine stains, or spider veins can be removed with Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy. Options including PhotoDerm or FotoFacial give you the benefits of a medium depth laser or chemical peel or other type of resurfacing/rejuvenation procedure without the blisters, burns and long recovery time. An added benefit of IPL is that many patients report a reduction in pore size, smoother skin, and fewer wrinkles.

In IPL, light pulses are directed at the vascular lesion to be removed and target hemoglobin in the blood, red blood cells that function primarily as transporters of oxygen from the lungs to the tissues of the body.

A highly advanced computer regulates the light pulse to a specific wavelength range, which in turn heats the visible, targeted blood vessel(s), thereby damaging or destroying the targeted lesion while sparing the surrounding healthy tissue. The penetration depth and degree of heat is highly controlled so that most complications contributed to these specific factors are not an issue with Pulsed Light therapy.

marți, 2 august 2011

SKIN ▶▶▶

Damage from UV Light Exposure

Even the youngest of individuals can appear prematurely aged because of sun damage. Photoaging is the damage inflicted through excessive exposure to the sun and other forms of Ultra Violet (UV) radiation. UV exposure may seem to help lessen eruptions of acne and lessen the appearance of hyperpigmentation by camouflaging it with a tan, but UV light can significantly damage your skin. This includes indoor tanning equipment as well as UV from the sun. UV light exposure destroys the skin's collagen and elastin supply. UVA light is more responsible for photo-aging than UVB radiation. Remember, the "A" in UVA stands for aging, but UVB isn't much better.

Your body reacts to excessive UV light by producing a thicker layer of skin cells in an attempt to protect your body from the UV exposure. Tanning or even minimal UV light exposure is contraindicated with many acne medications. Many acne medications can cause increased photosensitivity when used, so check with your prescribing physician.

Symptoms of excessive UV exposure include freckles, dark or light patches, thinning skin, wrinkles or an otherwise unhealthy, muddled appearance. You may think you look good with a tan now, but the long term effects are not worth it. Self tanner creams or gels are a safer and less expensive way to go in the long run. I quit tanning in 2000 and have used sunless tanners ever since.